Pedro Pablo Pusineri


Lawyer from the Argentine Catholic University, with a specialization in criminal law, at the same public University.

Professional Experience: he worked for 11 years at the Federal Criminal Courts of Argentina, reaching the position of Under-Secretary of the Federal Penal Courts in jurisdiction of federal crimes.

He worked as a law-clerk in various other law firms, practicing law in high-profile cases of anti-money laundering, fraud, anti-piracy, cybercrimes, crypto currency frauds and recovery electronic assets, anti-corruption and federal crimes in general.

Then he served as a Special Advisor of the Presidency of the G.A.F.I. (Financial Action Task Force).

Subsequently he took the position of a Special Adviser of the National Congress of the Nation and Central Bank of Argentina, among other Legal authorities’ delegations.

Academic activity: After graduating, Dr. Pusineri was appointed Assistant Professor and Assigned in the courses of: Criminal Law General Part, Criminal Law Special Part, Criminal Procedure at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Escuela Superior de la Policia Federal Argentina, and UCEMA.

He is a part-time Professor of Criminal Law & Legal Profession Courses at UCEMA, also, he has been a member of the conduct court (minutes prosecutor) and finally held the position of Special Legal Advisor of Central Bank of Argentina.

He has organized, assisted and moderated several seminars, congresses and postgraduate courses, such as:

“Transparency, Corruption and Good Governance Policies” Abat Oliva Ceu University, Barcelona, ​​Spain (2017) and “New Economic Crimes and the Importance of Criminal Law to Fight It ”European Catholic University, Rome, Italy (2017).

Language: Dr. Pusineri has a fluent English and Italian, both oral and written.