Ignacio Boulin Victoria


Mr. Ignacio Boulin Victoria is a lawyer, graduated from the Universidad de Mendoza, Argentina and from the LL.M. program at Harvard Law School, United States. He has also graduated from the “Human Rights Program” at the American University in Washington DC, United States of America.

Professional experience:He worked at the Organization of American States, in the Democratic and Political Affairs Department and the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. He was also granted a scholarship from the Bolsa de Comercio de Mendoza (Mendoza Stock Exchange). He has experience in the recovery of assets derived from crime in Argentina & Latin America.

Ignacio has extensive experience on international human rights litigation, asset recovery and international penal law, taking active part in cases in Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala and Chile.

Academic activity: In the academic field he is a Professor of International Human Rights Law at the School of Economics, of Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. He has lectured in Universities of Argentina and México, and has been a guest lecturer at the Summer Program of International Human Rights, University of Valparaíso Law School, Indiana, United States.

He wrote the book “Decisiones Razonables” (Marcial Pons, 2014) and has several publications which have been cited by, among other, the Constitutional Courts of Argentina.